Sunday, April 27, 2008

Contradictions Of The Day

Well, not really of the day. More like the last week.

1. While at the Taste Of Marietta today there was a local auto dealer that had vehicles on display. They were featuring a hybrid SUV. That's a contradiction in terms in my book, but as I got closer I realized that I was mistaken: the sticker on the vehicle said that it gets an amazing 22 mpg on the highway. It is a hybrid!

2. The gentleman riding his bike through town taking long drags on a cigarette. 'Nuff said.

3. It's a long story but the fire department I work for has enacted a policy which ensures 70% consistency. Why not 80% consistency you ask? Because it's just as asinine.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Top Soil

I've been away from the computer for a while. I apologize. It's just that we've been doing landscaping in the yard for the last couple of weeks. As well as working my body to the limits I learned a couple of lessons.

1. If the man you call for soil asks "screened or not screened" choose screened. Even though it's twice as much it won't come with broken glass, a four foot section of iron pipe, clods of compacted dirt the size of basketballs, the entire root system of a tree, broken cinder blocks, and a golf ball.

2. Rent a bobcat. Shoveling fifteen cubic yards (a dump truck full) will wear on your arms. After the first twelve hours they felt like all of the bones were broken. The second day wasn't any better. Just another reason to get the screened soil. A couple years ago I shoveled a dump truck load of screened soil in four hours.