Friday, October 09, 2015

I'm Sure It's That Way For A Reason

Can someone please explain to me why St. Pius decided to put the light poles in front of the spectators?


  1. Catholic school jost doing their Bible thing, I guess. Luke 11:33 No one who lights a lamp hides it away or places it (under a bushel basket), but on a lampstand so that those who enter might see the light.

  2. Catholic school jost doing their Bible thing, I guess. Luke 11:33 No one who lights a lamp hides it away or places it (under a bushel basket), but on a lampstand so that those who enter might see the light.

  3. A great explanation, David. However, I got the real one today while at the stadium again; this time for a marching band competition. The light posts mark the original limits of the stands. The expansion of the stadium pushed the seats out past the light posts. Kind of practical but lazy at the same time.
