Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Oh, Fish #2

Our beloved Fish #2 passed away tonight. Ben was sick and in bed watching a DVD when I noticed Fish #2 floating near the top, listing to starboard, and taking occasional gulps. My oh so delicate wife was almost moved to tears.

Ben decided he didn't want to be in bed anymore and took over the den as his sick headquarters. So I took the opportunity to check on Fish #2. I found him resting against the pump intake, gently removed him, and took him for his last swim. Farewell Fish #2.

Fish #1 had passed away last week. I only know this from the pile of bones behind the fake coral that I found all of the snails on. Oh the horror.

Fish #1 and #2 are survived by Fish #'s 3, 4, and 5 and Baby Snails #'s 1-142.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

This One Took A While Longer

So I enjoyed doing the audio with commentary so much for the last post, I decided to do it again. Only this time it took ten hours. I wasn't expecting that. It was due in large part to solving certain software conversion problems and the fact that the song itself comes in at over eight minutes.

Click here to listen/watch.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Someone Saved My File Tonight

I recently learned that I have the space in my online storage to save and post more than one song for my running "Song Of The Moment" Theme.

This time, however, instead of posting an mp3 file for you to listen to seperately and commenting about it here, I have married the comments and music into a Quicktime Movie format. It can be viewed with Quicktime which is free and readily available on the internet if you don't already have it.

Changes in my social life in the last few years (including the closing of my favorite record store where I would spend hours socializing and discussing favorite music) has left a hole in me. This new venture allows me to have a one sided conversation (aren't those the best anyway?) about why this song is so great. Feel free to leave a one sided comment in agreement or disgust.

Click here to listen/watch.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Feed Me

So, it must happen a hundred times a day. Total strangers come up to me on the street and say, "man, I love your blog. If only there was a way to subscribe. It would be better than Christmas!" Well Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus.

I don't know about the other web browsers but on Safari (mac) to the right of the web address is a little thing that says RSS. If you click on that it takes you to my blog but in a different format. Once you're looking at the new format you just bookmark it. It's that easy. It's called an RSS Feed. From then on, every time I add content to my blog you will get a little number next to the bookmark representing how many updates there has been since you last saw it (which for a few of you might be a considerably large number.)

Or, you could just click here and then bookmark the page.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The State Answers My Prayers

The State's First Season has just been released on itunes.

Thinking about a Christmas present for yours truly? Don't bother, I already bought it.

Too, too cool. Bring on the second season!

A Trip To See The Fish

Click here to watch the movie.

(Due to the limited space I have for storing movies online the movie had to be reduced in quality. "Small veiwing window" and "Whale Shark" are two phrases that shouldn't go together.)