Monday, April 26, 2010

What I Learned While In Manhattan

These are a few of the things I learned while on our Eleventh Wedding Anniversary celebrating our Tenth Anniversary:

1. To be a New Yorker is to be unimpressed with everything. (For exception see #10)

2. New Yorkers don't look up, even when presented with some of the most amazing buildings man has created.

3. Taxi car horns are a language in and of themselves.

4. The subway is really easy to use, but the subway station, specifically Grand Central, is really difficult to get out of.

5. There is a Lego version of the Empire State Building for sale but not the Chrysler Building. And it doesn't matter how many different places you go to ask.

6. The island of Manhattan is much longer than I imagined.

7. A mini-fridge with ice-maker in your hotel room sounds like a good idea until you realize that everyone before you has been digging ice out with their hands as well.

8. It's against the law in New York for taxi cab drivers to wear seat belts.

9. New Yorkers are friendly and helpful.

10. To gain entry to the Museum of Modern Art you must shuffle your feet at all times and be impressed with a fluorescent light leaning against a wall or a large canvas painted red.

11. The view from the top of the Empire State Building is THAT impressive.

12. The manager and staff at the Empire State Building are very helpful.

13. Dave the tour guide on the double decker bus will gladly inject his feelings about Rudolph Giuliani and Donald Trump into your tour.

14. Bloom's Deli on the corner of Lexington and 40th makes a mean BLT.

15. Central Park is very popular on Saturday afternoons.

16. It's harder to find the Cash Cab than it looks on television.

17. The Statue of Liberty is very small when viewed from the southern tip of Manhattan.

18. Tap water in Manhattan tastes great.

19. Everyone in New York walks and consequently there really aren't many overweight people.

20. Times Square is impressive for the first five minutes you're there.


  1. Love it! What a great summary of NYC. Now the big question, can you imagine living there? I could for a long time, until I realized I would have to live in 600 square feet of space.

  2. I couldn't live there. It's just not me. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have enough money to live in Manhattan, but I don't think money alone would make it worth it.

    My favorite part of Manhattan was not driving anywhere. Subway, cabs, and lots of walking.
