Monday, September 24, 2007

Paula Accidentally Creates The Best Adult Film Star Name Ever

You see, Paula was giving me plot synopsis of The Terminal and when she meant to say, "Stanley Tucci" she thoughtlessly said, "Stanley Coochie." (No, it's not a word she uses. I think her tongue just got confused for a second.) But it's so unbelievably funny and it only gets funnier each time I hear it again.

I googled the name expecting someone to have already claimed it for their on-screen persona but no dice. And the real Tucci has been in some movies with titles begging to be porno-fied (the industry act of taking a legitimate movie title and turning it into something porn related. e.g. On Golden Pond becomes On Golden Blonde.)

Here's a short list:
The Public Eye
Big Night
In Too Deep
The Whole Shebang
The Core

1 comment:

  1. Certainly beats the whole Dog + Childhood Street Address combo.

    I'd rather be Stanley Cootchie than Chopper Walker.
