We got up really early this morning and began the drive for Denton. We took the back roads. This is definitely the best way to travel. We got so far and then we had to take interstate highways due to time limitations. Today was Rich's now infamous drum solo and the ultra-hip "O" rap. Called Mom, she just said, "okay, call Sunday." Cool. Mailed two postcards from the Texarkana rest stop. There was a possible transexual behind the counter. We ate our first "real food" prepared by the McDonald's in Morrilton. The burgers there were pretty bad because the sandwiches were made with wonder buns. It was 8:00 when we arrived at Drew's. We got to take showers and I was very happy. We ate pizza and I drank three cokes. Drew has tablas [a kind of drum] that he's learning to play.
The last part of the drive, down 380, I was pelted from the driver's side by a steady southernly wind that was blowing my glasses off. I was very oily and dirty after the approximate 12 hours with only a few stops. We're close to hitting the 1000 mile mark for the trip. One really cool thing about Arkansas was that there are yellow wildflowers everywhere.
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