Saturday, July 01, 2006

Day Three, July 1, 1992 Buffalo Point, Arkansas

Our second day in the Ozarks. We moved out fairly quickly this morning. My first time of shaving in the side mirror of the jeep. We travelled early morning over to Buffalo Point. The guides were really nice and helpful. Rich made a twenty minute phone call home after we waited ten for another man to get off. My chain, I wrapped my chain around the horn and it accidentally set it off twice while the man was talking. We took a 3 or 6 mile hike (6 when we relate the tale to others, tall tales and all)downt he Indian Rock House Trail. We saw an old mine, a small cave (absolutely amazing because it felt air conditioned to at least 50 but very humid), and this old indian rock house which is actually a huge cave with a spring running through the bottom. Rich said it was very cold. It is incredibly humid here.

After the hike we drove out to rent a canoe. rich wanted to do it today, I wanted to do it tomorrow. Rich was right in insisting. Turns out most people canoe in the morning. When we went we were the only people on the Mighty (slow) Buffalo River. The trip down river was 11 miles and took 3 hours. A fun day but now I'm paying for it. My legs are killing me.

After the canoe trip we treated ourselves to cokes. That was probably the coldest best tasting coke I've ever had. We then headed down to the campsites to stake a claim. Their 113 sites were nearly full but there were 3 tent only sites left. Rich had some particular in mind when all I wanted was a place to lay down, sleep. and leave at daybreak. I think we were both just tired and hungry.

The sound of vans, RV's, and kids, along with the nature pavillon's PA can be heard in the distance as the 4th grows closer. The skies have grown cloudy overhead but I don't think it will rain. We can't seem to figure teh weather channels on the CB out.

We saw many butterflies, lizards, tiny frogs the size of frogs [?], turtles, giant fish, and a horsefly that bit Rich.

By the way, the canoe trip was from Maumee back to Buffalo Point. We took pictures at the falls, the small cave, and the big cave, Tomorrow, we hope to eat real food. That means anything prepared by anyone else. Then we will mail and write post cards at the post office on our way to Dallas, to see Drew. Dallas should be ok. We'll get to take showers there. I used some of that skin-so-soft and now regret it. I'm sweating oil. Water gets really hot in a plastic container. The burn on my leg blistered up with sweat and I got my first Teva [the particular brand of sandals I wore} tan today.

P.S. Tim The Manic drove us to Maumee doing about 75 miles an hour on a gravel mountain road. "Hey Tim, where's the best swimming?" "Wherever the most girls are! Did you see that girl with the tied up shirt? Whoa! She scared me." Tim pointed out a roadrunner on the way and then tried to run over it. We, however, on the way to Buffalo Point stopped to help an upside down turtle who wanted nothing to do with Rich or his efforts, and scurried to the side of the road, and possibly to his death over the cliff. It's dark now. Goodnight.

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