Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Showering With Me

In an effort to share a little bit more of what it's like to be me, I thought I would let you peak inside my brain for just a bit. So here's what went through my head while I was showering this morning:

"I am showering........"Showering" isn't what I am.....It's what I'm doing.........It's an adverb.......Hey!.......It's a verb that is describing me...It's an adjective adverb...why didn't any of my teachers tell me that's where the name came from? It all makes sense now...........Or did they teach me?.....maybe I forgot that they taught me......I forget lots of stuff.......They say you use only four percent of your brain, maybe I just wasn't using that percent......Or is it six?......[the movie] Defending Your Life was funny......Did I just wash my hair?........Do it again just in case.......I wonder why we use so little of our brains?.......Kind of blows the whole theory of evolution to bits.......Why would we evolve a brain so large that we don't use?................Or maybe we do........Maybe our brains are used to do other things we don't know about like extra bandwidth on the internet that gets leased out because it's not getting used..........Maybe my brain is the only thing keeping a waterfall in Brazil going..........Did I just disprove a part of the Theory of Evolution?..........In the shower?!.........Time to rinse."

Honestly, that's how it went almost verbatim. Feel free to leave a comment about your own disjointed thought processes so that I don't feel so alone.

And just for the record, we use all of our brain. The whole partial brain thing is a myth.

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