Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Golden Dogs Comin' On Strong

I recently ordered a bunch of new music from a record store and was surprised to find that one of the cd's was a whopping $23.00. It apparently is only available in Canada or you can buy it in the US as an import. I realized too late that I could have downloaded it from iTunes for $9.99.

But my shock at the price has dissolved upon repeated listenings. You see, I bought this record on the strength of the only song that I had heard from it. It's a gamble I've taken before that sometimes doesn't pay off. But other times I find bands that I really like, and this album is well worth the price.

Anyway, this album rocks. Literally. It's a superball of energy ricocheting around the inside of the shower (remember?) A lot of the comments on iTunes mention the B-52's but I can't find any similarities other than the fact that sometimes the female vocalist sounds a little like Kate Pierson. No, I see these guys more like an angry Sugarplastic mixed with The New Pornographers. They definitely have the pop sensibilities and have turned the amps up a little more.

Stand out tracks on the album include "Saints At The Gates" which sounds like Pink Floyd's "The Trial" mixed with Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk" sung by Tom Waites. Sound odd? Well it rocks. It's the song you play fourth in a set to really get the crowd with you. Listen to a sample here.

Track number seven titled "Strong" channels Carl Newman's ensemble to the point that I think Neko Case has joined The Golden Dogs and is singing. (I found a note scribbled on a piece of paper while driving that noted how much I liked this song, which I heard on XM Radio. It's what got me to look into them on the internet.) Listen to a sample here. Hang in there for the last thirty seconds when they start trading "downs."

"Never Meant Any Harm" is the track that initiated this purchase and is still my favorite. As I mentioned in a previous post, the keyboard in this song borrows from the Cars' "Hello Again."

All of the tracks can be listened to in their entirety on the band's website. And while I invoke other bands and songs in my description of the album, let me make it clear that I think this is something new and great. I love it.

Consider downloading it from iTunes or somewhere else. Like I said, it was worth the $23.00 in my opinion, but I don't think the band will see any of that extra money. So save the dough and buy a shirt at the show when they come to town. I'll see you there.


  1. Once again, I'm sorry it cost so much money. I'm glad you are happy with your purchase. If you need anything else, just let me know.

  2. I'm so sorry, I don't blame you for the price of the cd. My comment wasn't intended to be taken that way. I mentioned it to illustrate how much I liked the cd and to possibly warn others that might go looking for it on my recommendation. I e-mailed you a list of cd's to order for me and you did it. I should have tried harder to convey in my post that I held myself responsible. Once again, I'm sorry.

  3. You are doing a whole lotta apologizing. So, while you're in the mood, I'd like you to apologize for everything you ever said to me that I took the wrong way. Oh, that's a little silly, you think?

  4. You know what? I probably do owe you an apology or two.

    I'm sorry.

    (Cut and paste. Repeat as many times as is needed.)

    P.S. Glad to see you're still visiting.

  5. you dork. i have you and keith on my google rss feed. anytime you got something new to say, i read it. and no matter what i may tell you, sometimes i even think you're funny.
