Sunday, February 25, 2007

An Open Apology

I have in the past made posts or comments on this blog that have been taken in ways other than I have intended. It is never my intention to address problems with my friends or other readers through this medium. I view this blog as drivel. It really is stuff that just pours out of my head and I should try a little harder to regulate the flow or at least control it.

With this blog, in its limited history, I have managed to offend some of you who have commented about it. I fear that I have offended more who haven't. In most cases I see only too late how my comments have been taken the wrong way. Sometimes, though, I can't understand how people got the wrong idea (a few people have asked me which friend's child destroyed my Dracula even though I said that it was a stranger's child.)

Let me say, for the record, that if I ever have a problem with any of you, I won't use this blog as my means of addressing it. I think more of our friendships than to do that. This is not my only means of communicating. It's just a "clearinghouse" for all of the thoughts that are either not important enough to mention in everyday conversation or are on my mind at the moment. It's just cheaper than therapy.

Please believe me when I say, "I am sorry."