Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Joyce: Photo-Caption Contest Update

I've been thinking about it and I don't want to determine the winner myself this time. It's always been fun to award points and, of course, take points away, but I want this to be a little more democratic.

So after the entrys slow to a trickle I will formally close the contest and invite everyone to vote. The rules for voting will be simple: Everyone only gets one vote and you can't vote for yourself. (People without submissions and complete strangers are allowed as well. Buying votes is encouraged.) Got it?

Or should I just judge like I always have?

P.S. Those of you that have missed previous contests can click on the label "Photo Caption Contest" at the bottom of this post and see all of the other contests and awards.


  1. A Day with My Talking Rose-Histor

    it gave me a chuckle.


  2. "Tootsie 2: It Might Be You (REMIX)" by Chosen©er.


  3. "Come and knock at my door" by boBECCAhedron.
