Sunday, June 17, 2007

Projection Not Reflection

I posed a question while in Florida with friends recently and it has occured to me that it might prove interesting to hear the responses from a wider pool. So here goes.

If you could pick one actor or actress to be, based on the parts they have played, who would it be? I'm not talking about who would best play you in a movie about your life. No, this is who you want to be. Think projection, not reflection.

My pick would be Paul Newman. He has aged gracefully (see Robert Redford) and can still hold his own on screen (see Road To Perdition.) He's played some real sons-of-bitches (see Hud) but you find yourself liking him anyway. Besides that, you just don't get any cooler than Cool Hand Luke.


  1. I've thought about it, and I just don't think I think in these terms. I don't really wish I were anybody, nor could I project as such onto anyone else. While there are actors/musicians I admire, I don't really wish I were them. Which makes me sound really self-assured, and I am not. But I don't really have an answer.
    I'd have to choose Paul Rudd, because I like him and I don't know one straight chick who's not in love with him.

  2. I guess I should have phrased the question a little better: Who do you think is the coolest actor or actress?

    That's kind of the question in a nutshell.

  3. Coolest actor? At the moment, I'm really into John Wayne. Certainly not one of your method actors but the guy had presence. The Quiet Man, In Harms Way, McLintock.True Grit. All great movies. His mannerisms can certainly be imitated but his screen aura is difficult to duplicate.

    I'm also partial to Paul Newman & Steve McQueen.

    Yes. I've been watching a lot of Turner Classic Movies this summer. I've turned my back on American Movie Classics once they started showing Catwoman.

    As for actress, I'll go with a frequent John Wayne costar...Maureen O Hara. She's a really good actress and also easy on the eyes.
