Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Joyce: Photo-Caption Contest Update

So I tried to find out more about Joyce. That's when I stumbled across this list of the 100 worst album covers of all time. The comments are great. Our girl Joyce only manages to rate a measely 36 but fear not! There are some real winners on this list. The albums in the nineties wouldn't load the thumbnail of the album cover for me, but if you click on the broken link (the question mark) you can see the cover. Unfortunately, I like a couple of these records.


  1. You mean Joyce is mentioned somewhere else on the internet!?! Holy cow, I thought for sure you had found her on that site. Before I actually incorporated as Eegah, Inc., I had considered taking Devastatin' Dave The Turntable Slave as an online name. Zip Zap Rap!

  2. why are Magical Mystery Tour & Get Your Ya Yas on this list?

    say huh?

  3. I don't know if I'd rank Magical Mystery quite as high as this guy did but it is a pretty poor excuse for an album cover. And Mick has always been hard to look at. Their best covers don't show the band at all.
