Sunday, January 28, 2007

Calling All ?

So I was recently discussing with a friend where my whole Pop-Up-Video minus the video videos were going. I was worried that my latest attempts were becoming more and more distant from the original concept. My original concept being a one-sided conversation about a song. Kind of like how I used to do in my favorite record store. We would listen and comment about how great that particular part of the song was. Or where you were the first time you heard it. Or who you think of every time you hear it.

Whatever. Point being I don't have anywhere to do that kind of thing now. You can meet up with friends but you usually don't have the ability to listen and concentrate on music in those settings. Or if you do the girls tend to get mad and say that, "you're ruining the party." So I suggested to one such friend that they should submit a video for a favorite song. Then it hit me.

I am now soliciting comments from you for your favorite song or songs. All you have to do is provide the commentary and the time at which the comment should happen in the song. I will convert them to title cards and synch them to the music. That will keep me in it and guarantees a certain amount of consistency. I will also post them under my YouTube account if you don't have one of your own.

I think this is a really exciting idea and hope some of you take me up on it. Just e-mail me your timeline with comments.

P.S. If you want to do your version of a song that's already been done, that's cool too. Just remember; no visuals. The woodcut of the ship for Mariner's Revenge was a mistake. I realize that now.


  1. Know what might also be interesting to try? Choose a song everyone knows and have people submit comments about that one song. Then use those comments as the content for your title cards.

  2. You're right. If some of you guys want to get together and pick a song, I'm ready.

  3. Any song I want? Really? Cause I'm thinking you might puke at mine...
