Sunday, January 28, 2007

Photo Caption Contest: Death In A Red Shirt

Mr. Doob was right when he commented that this one was harder than the rest. I, myself, never came up with anything worth submitting. It was disappointing but time not completely wasted.

After a long silence here are the results:

First Place:
Mr. Doob with "'s Chekov...he want to show me his 'wessel.'" It was the best of anything submitted for the fact that he used the plural "want."
Score: 85

Second Place:
Mr. Doob with "'s the Klingon Commander...he wants to uncloak his Bird of Prey."
Score: 80

Third Place:
Jeremy Frye with "Sir, it's an Earth mexican restaurant. They want to know how much for the painting." for bringing the Latino community a little closer to Star Trek. After all, Montalban was the only one they allowed on the ship. And he was banned forever after because he was a "superior intellect."
Score: 70

1 comment:

  1. That painting was made of fine Corinthian velvet.
    I'm happy taking third, since I don't know squat about Star Trek. Bring on the next contest.
