Thursday, July 16, 2015

That's Gonna Leave A Mark

So, in my search for bad illustrations of the bands featured in the last post, I actually came across tattoos of musicians that are so horrible, they're awesome. Tattoos have become so common, it's almost gotten to the point where more people have them than don't. But quantity of people with tattoos doesn't equal quality.

We'll start this off with a pair of kings.

Thank goodness the tattoo "artist" was kind of enough to label who this is. Otherwise, I might not have recognized the King of Pop Tarts who rests in peace above what looks like a strawberry pop tart.
"I want it to look like what Daniel Day-Lewis would look like if he were to play MJ in the movie of his life." What I really like about this one is all of the pores with hair follicles that were obviously shaved for this work to be done. I can't wait to see what it looks like when the shoulder hair grows back in.

I just love how pensive the King looks here. That and the fact that MJ's left eye seems to be looking right at me; like into my soul. While the right eye seems to be looking into someone else's soul. Maybe someone standing on the other side of the room.

This one looks like Tony Curtis in drag in Some Like It Hot, but instead of impersonating a woman he's impersonating...wait...forget that.

This tattoo combines the wearer's love of Elvis and chameleons. Elvis for his music and chameleons for their eyes' ability to point in two different directions at the same time.
This one is perfect. We've taken the body of Christ and put Elvis' head on it. Elvis is about to smack some absolution on yo' ass. And isn't that the whitest arm you've ever seen?

Wow. That's all I've got for this one. I'm stunned. The name and TCB appear to be red while the "face" isn't which suggests the face has been there for a while. Perhaps the wearer thought it best to have this one labeled for anyone that hadn't ever heard of Elvis.

Stevie Nicks was one I was looking for since she seemed like the kind of musician that fervent fans might want inked on them.

This was done by a talented tattoo artist. My amusement comes from the fact that the wearer chose a picture of Stevie with the headset on.
I wouldn't have known this was Stevie Nicks if it wasn't labeled that way on the internet. Actually, I'm still not sure. And once again, I can't wait to see this when all that leg hair grows back in.
This is classy all the way around. And that red! I just want to kiss that tattoo. The fact that this appears to be on a woman's arm, just makes it that much better.

Freddie Mercury didn't occur to me as someone that people would get tattoos of, but there are a lot of them out there, and many of them are deplorable. These are some of the highlights.

This to me looks like Vince Vaughn portraying Freddie Mercury as a vampire.
I can't tell if that's a mic, or if it's a beer bottle. The man had some serious ass chompers. He could very well be biting off that bottle cap. That makes this a badass tattoo. Well done.
Tattoo Artist: Matt Groening

The Doors can be almost as pretentious as some of their fans. And the only thing more pretentious is a tattoo of the rock god poet.

This might be a little obscure, but I think this one makes the Lizard King look more like one of the aliens from Independence Day.
Jim Morrison was known to drink...a lot. So why not throw some olives in his hair. I think this makes total sense. The only thing that could improve this chest tattoo was if the arms were extended so that Jim was holding onto both nipples.

As good as all those are, this one takes the cake. It seems too great to be real, but from everything I can find online, it appears to be genuine. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Tupac Shakur as a unicorn emerging from the flesh of this very lucky person. I would say this might be the result of a drunken night of bad decisions, but this looks like it might have taken more than one visit to the tattoo parlor. Note the "Outlaw" scribbled on Tupac's fetlock. That's in case you were confused about this creature's intent.


  1. I'm obsessed with bad tattoos. They say so much about the person, and how much they clearly don't care about their body. I especially love misspelled and grammatically incorrect ones. They kill me.

    1. What surprises me is the number of people who have multiple bad tattoos. Because you didn't learn your lesson the first time.
