Friday, September 01, 2006

(Sorry Bobby) Why I Still Don't Like Basketball

So I was talking at the station last night about my realization as to why I don't like basketball (see entry below.) One of the guys, who happens to like basketball, refuted my claim that dunks were common saying, "they were as rare as triples in baseball." (I think I hurt his basketball feelings.) I immediately countered that he, "must be crazy." (clever eh?) The other guys seemed to back my claim about the triples.

But today I got to thinking. I don't really watch much sports -- what if he's right? So I went to looking for the stats to answer the question.

I got stats for the 2005-2006 NBA regular season and the 2005 MLB regular season since this one is still going. Here are the results.

NBA Dunks in the 2005-2006 Regular Season
Number of players who dunked: 354
Total number of dunks: 8598
Number of teams in the league: 30
Number of games in a season per team: 82
Number of played games in a season: 1230

Number of dunks per game: 6.99

MLB Triples in the 2005 Regular Season
Number of players who tripled: 341
Total number of triples: 878
Number of teams in the league: 30
Number of games in a season per team: 162
Number of played games in a season: 2430

Number of triples per game: .36

So there it is. Unless there's an error in my math. And I'm fully aware of how statistics can be manipulated to show whatever you want. Steven can show that 1+1=3. But this is pretty straight forward.

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